Is Chicken Skin Bad For You?

Chicken skin is fattening, so, whether or not you are watching your weight, you should not eat too much of it.

But is it bad for you? Well, the answer is no.

For many years doctors have cautioned us against eating the skin of the chicken, yet current studies show, the skin provides half of your daily requirement of selenium, which is an essential mineral that wards off cancer. It also adds a nice bit of flavor to your meal. Yes, there are extra calories found in eating the skin, but only around 26.

So, do your own research but based on what we’ve found, I’d say keep the skin and enjoy juicier chicken.

Just remember, as with any food it should be eating in moderation, as chicken does contain Omega-6, which is unsaturated fat that increases inflammation in the body.

Note: bread, fish, and eggs are other main food sources of selenium.