Moringa Tree (live plant)


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Moringa Tree (live plant)

Ships in 4″ pot

Highly nutritious vegetable tree, whose leaves, flowers, seeds, pods & roots are all edible/medicinal. They are very fast growing & will become root-bound quickly. If you decide to keep them in a container at full size, we suggest you do so with a 15-gallon container. Here in Texas, you may notice a yellowing of the leaves: this is due to the combination of water on the leaves & the extreme heat of the Texas sun. They will lose their leaves if it freezes, but always seem to come back with warmer weather. Make sure to harvest all your leaves before the first frost & dry them (out of the sunlight). You can take these dried leaves & grind them into powder form for storage through the winter. Moringa leaves make a great addition to soup.

Eating the leaves either fresh or in powdered form provides a long-lasting energy boost when used regularly. No matter your grow zone you can enjoy the amazing benefits of this amazing plant! This is one that can be used as animal fodder in moderation.

  • Average mature height: They will grow to an excess of 30-40 ft. high. Maintain them at 8-12 ft. maximum or prune to indoor size.

  • Light: Full sun

  • Soil: Tolerates most soil types but needs good drainage

  • Hardiness zones: 8-10 or wherever you are when grown patio/indoors!