Barbados Cherry (Malpighia emarginata) – Live Plant


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Barbados Cherry (Malpighia emarginata) – Live Plant

Ships in a 4” pot

The Barbados Cherry produces tart edible cherries that are high in Vitamin C and delicious! All year long, you’ll have multiple flushes of small pink flowers & tropical cherries. If grown in large enough pots to prevent binding the roots, this tree can be pruned and grown even in the cooler climates on the patio during warmer times, and indoors while cold.

  • Average mature height: 15 ft. or pruned to indoor size and shape.
  • Light: Full sun, part shade
  • Soil: Most soil types, if well-drained
  • Hardiness zones: 9-11 or wherever you are when grown patio/indoors!